The Empowered Parent Podcast

Cultivating Calm and Connection while Curbing Conflict - 3C's Training and Blueprint

• Renee Sinning

Looking for ways to create a harmonious relationship with your teenager during this school year? What if there was a blueprint to help achieve that? As your host Renee, I'm thrilled to invite you to an enlightening back-to-school 3Cs blueprint parent boot camp via Zoom. On Sunday, August 20th at 6pm MST, I'll share a blueprint of strategies for creating calm, curbing conflict, and cultivating connection. Plus, when you sign up, you'll get three amazing bonuses – a second call with an open Q&A, access to a teen brain and emotions video training plus workbook, and a third bonus that's too good to miss!

But that's not all! The following Sunday, August 27th, I'll be back with another live training session, for a small investment of $97. What's included? Two bonus videos and workbooks, 'The Teen Brain and Emotions' and 'Say No to Bullies and Mean Kids Rise', designed to equip you with the tools to navigate the complexities of teen parenting.

If this is for you, join more for an opportunity to create calm within the hope and and to start the school year on a positive note. So, gear up for a transformative journey as we prepare for a successful and enriching school year.

I hope to see you there!
Learn more about our 3 C's Blueprint  HERE.


If you are looking for extra support, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Teen Esteem Academy News and Updates

IMPORTANT FACEBOOK UPDATE:  You won't find as much of my content on FB as previously, as my entire facebook profile was hacked and I've lost everything on there - tons of content, access to run my Empowered Parent FB Community, etc.  I have created a new profile, but it's new and we are back to square one. No matter, please feel free to DM me at my new profile so we can connect, or find me on 

(This is TEA's ongoing Parent Group with an opportunity to access a one-of-a-kind program, rooted in Energy Leadership that you can either work at your own pace (as it is a self-mastery program you will have lifetime access to), or join us for our weekly calls. 🙂

  • By the end of your journey I can all but guarantee that the lens through which you view the world and yourself will be different.  Better different! Think improved relationships with less conflict, judgement, and worry, while also achieving more peace, joy, and happiness.  
  • You will have lifetime access on a digital platform, as well as the added bonus of weekly mindset mastery group calls. It's powerful and empowering.
  • Investing in yourself is investing in your kids and family.
  • Message me at  to learn more, or
  • Email me at

TEEN ESTEEM ACTIVATOR  [For Teens and Tweens]

  • This is your hybrid group coaching experience for teens and tweens, though it can also be down stand-alone! Group coaching is a powerful modality of support for both teens and parents, as it helps you to feel like you are not the only one going through stuff ! 
  • TEA: Teen Esteem Activator is our extremely empowering  SEL-inspired system, created specifically for this age a program to Activate Confidence (the end result) through 3 powerful modules.
  • Module 1 is where we begin to Activate Self-Awareness and Acceptance. 
  •  Module 2 works to Activate Self-Belief.
  •  Module 3 Activate Self-Confidence
Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Empowered Parent Podcast with Renee. Being a teenager is hard. Being a parent of a teenager can be even harder. Each episode we deliver tips, tools, tricks and stories to help you feel empowered, confident and energized as the parent of a teenager. Teenagers want to be happy. Sometimes they just need a little help along the way. Now here's your host, renee Sinning. Renee is a Certified Life Leadership and Success Coach for teenagers and their parents. She's also a mom of three young adults and an experienced high school educator of 18 years. Renee is well-versed in everything teen. Now, without any further ado, here's Renee.

Speaker 2:

Hi parents, it is Renee. Welcome to another episode of the Empowered Parent Podcast. It has been a summer. This summer has been crazy. I've been off the grid a bit, but over the next month or so I will be back in the swing of things. I'm going to try to pop on a podcast or two this week and next, and then my daughter's getting married on August 5th in Santa Barbara. She lives in San Francisco, so she's actually been engaged since COVID, so it's been a long time coming. So we have that coming up in the next two weeks. And then we will be moving our youngest daughter across the country to Virginia Tech to pursue her master's degree in entomology, which is bugs, something with bugs and fresh water. So I've got a pretty exciting next few weeks.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted to pop on here because it is back to school time and I've got some things I want to share with you to get you ready for the next school year, and then towards mid to late August / September at the latest I will be back, fully back in the swing of things. But I have some offerings for you that I really didn't want to wait and so I just wanted to pop on here real quick. So, on this episode of the Empowered Parent Podcast, I wanted to talk about the upcoming school year and invite you to join me for an upcoming back-to-school 3Cs blueprint parent boot camp. I know that is a mouthful, but it's really the back to 3Cs back-to-schools blueprint offering which I have for parents and it is to help you start the school year on a high note. This will take place via Zoom. The first call is going to be on Sunday, August 20th at 6 pm, Mountain Time, and on this call you're going to receive a blueprint to take you into the new school year talking about How to Create More Calm, How to Curb Conflict and How to Cultivate Connection. So it's about More Calm, Less Conflict and Better Connection with yourself, your teen, your spouse, your partner, whoever that may be. And, for those who sign up for this really powerful and empowering Zoom connection call, you are going to also receive a bunch of bonuses - well, three bonuses. And so, again, this is a Zoom call. It's going to take place on Sunday, august 20th.

Speaker 2:

I'm so passionate about everyone having a good school year, peaceful home environment, and a calm household. With teens, there's always going to be a bit of drama, and at least say conflict. , you ay may already know, kids push limits because they want more S o, how do we create a space and environment within the home where we have less conflict within ourselves, as well as with those in home? How ow connection? Because we want It's important because we teens coming to you With the big with stuff. They're not going to come to you with everything you're their parent because you're but coming parents, to you we want them coming with the big stuff when stuff happens that happens in their it whether your teen is in middle school or high school, those years are always a bit trying. So creating more calm, curbing conflict or having less conflict, cultivating connection and really just more peace.

Speaker 2:

So that's what we'll be talking about on Sunday, august 20th at 6pm mount times, zoom live. And then the bonuses. You're going to get three bonuses if you sign up, and the first bonus is a second call. That call will take place the following Sunday, august 27th, at 6pm, and that call is an open Q&A Slash open coach call. It's an opportunity for you to hop on before school starts or at the beginning of the school year with any Pressing questions. You may have anything going on and get them answered in real time. So you're actually getting to live zoom calls. The first one is when I share with you the blueprint to create more calm, curb conflict and cultivate connection. And then the second call is open Q&A, open zoom, get all your questions answered, get any clarification you might have. First calls 90 minutes. Second call is 60. So that's a lot of time. That's two and a half hours kind of coaching time and so really powerful and empowering stuff to get the school year off on a high note, on a good note, where everyone's kind of feeling good, have a plan in place and all of that.

Speaker 2:

So that's bonus number one is that second call. Bonus number two is access to a teen brain and emotions video training plus workbook. Some of you may already have this, you may not, but I'm going to give you access to that. This used to be a live only event and the video training is about an hour long, so it's very, it's a lot, it's very valuable. It has a lot of content. Because it's about an hour long. You can always speed it up, of course, but that is talking about the teen brain and emotions and I give you relevant and implementable in that I don't know if that's even a word, but relevant steps that you can implement immediately. So that is extremely valuable. Again used to be available live only, and you can receive that as part of this offering.

Speaker 2:

And the third bonus is my rise training R I Z E, which is all about saying no to bullies and mean kids, and with that bonus you are going to get a downloadable rise framework for your kiddos that you can print off, hang everywhere in the house or just give it to them or have it somewhere. It's super valuable. It's R I S? E. You'll find out what that means. So that is that there's a downloadable PDF, but also there is a rise training video training for parents and a separate rise video training for your teen or tween on how to say no to bullies and mean kids. And so all of this you can get all of this for $97 investment through July 31st and the link will be in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

But again, this is starting school with more calm, less conflict and better connection. It's a. So you're going to get again on our call in August 20th. You're going to get a, the blueprint, the three C's blueprint calm, less conflict and more connection and that will be a live training. If you can't make it, there will be a video recording. So once you've paid, you'll have access to that video recording for this training.

Speaker 2:

And then again a second call on August 27th. This is live, open Q and A open coach. Come to me with any pressing questions concerns shares or if you want some clarification. It's open, it's for you, and so that is on Sunday, august 27th at 6pm. And then bonus two, the teen brain and emotions video training and workbook. And then bonus three is the say no to bullies and mean kids rise. And so this is all back to school for you, and I wanted to hop on here real quick and share this with you, and the link is below. I hope to see you there. It's $97 through July 31st. So, yeah, I hope to see you all there on August 20th. If not, training is available.

Speaker 1:

Remember, teenagers want to be happy. Sometimes they just need a little help along the way.